We donate to the protection of the Baltic Sea

One of the most serious environmental problems in the Baltic Sea is eutrophication. Eutrophication is caused by an excessive load of phosphorus and nitrogen in the sea. Although nutrient discharges into the sea have recently decreased, visible signs of eutrophication, such as cyanobacterial blooms, water turbidity, coastal slime and anaerobic oxygen in the bottom areas, continue to plague the Baltic Sea. The effects of climate change will further accelerate the eutrophication of the Baltic Sea.

The John Nurminen Foundation does concrete work to protect the Baltic Sea and reduce eutrophication. The John Nurminen Foundation is launched almost 40 Clean Baltic Sea projects, 25 of which have been completed. The projects will reduce the nutrient load and environmental risks at sea. By treating the wastewater treatment plant in St. Petersburg and reducing emissions at the Laukaanjoki fertilizer plant alone, the annual eutrophication load in the Gulf of Finland has been reduced by up to 75 percent in cooperation with other actors.

We donate 5% of each order's VAT-free value to the protection of the Baltic Sea through the John Nurminen Foundation.

Our goal at the John Nurminen Foundation is to save the Baltic Sea and its legacy for future generations. The John Nurminen Foundation implements effective and concrete measures to protect the Baltic Sea and ensures that the stories of the sea are passed on to future generations. John Nurminen Foundation the founders unite a love of the sea, as well as a strong belief that nothing is impossible.

John Nurminen Foundation work guided by measurable results and effectiveness. The John Nurminen Foundation is sovereign: John Nurminen Foundation the work is driven solely by the interests of the Baltic Sea.

John Nurminen Foundation is also an award-winning communicator and producer of maritime cultural content. The John Nurminen Foundation is published more than 40 books on marine stories, organized numerous exhibitions and events, and co-created the Loki online service, a treasure trove of maritime culture with maritime museums.

John Nurminen Foundation hbegins to tell the story of the sea: the sea that serves as a bridge to the world for us Finns. Making the story of the sea and its history known is important, because at the same time we are learning to understand why our unique Baltic Sea must also be protected. John Nurminen Foundation tthe diversity of our activities makes us unique: John Nurminen Foundation works for the Baltic Sea for generations.

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